Mike Driver Laser - Dates at Third Eye


DECEMBER 1st, 2nd 15th & 16th

JANUARY 11th, 12th, 26th, 27th & 28th

FEBRUARY 9th, 10th, 23rd, 24th & 25th

Call the shop to book in!!                                            # 9486 1333

Closing Days

Due to various reason such as overseas conventions and Christmas breaks Third Eye will be closed on the following days:

Saturday 24/11 and Sunday 25/11 By APPOINTMENT ONLY with Charley

Tuesday 27/11 CLOSED

Sunday 16/12 CLOSED

Monday 17/12 CLOSED

Sunday 23/12 to 6/1 CLOSED

Guest Artist Bunshin Horitoshi

William back at Third Eye

William will be back after his holidays and ready to take consultations as of the 4th of December, Call the shop to book in! 94861333